
Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստան-ից
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Ծանուցում. Հիշելուց հետո կատարված փոփոխությունները տեսնելու համար մաքրեք ձեր զննարկիչի հիշապահեստը. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari՝ Ctrl+Shift+R (Cmd+Shift+R Mac OS X-ում) Konqueror՝ F5 Opera՝ Tools→Preferences ընտրացանկից։ Internet Explorer՝ Ctrl+F5

 * AnonymousI18N
 * This script features the following:
 * - Create the "Language select" menu in the sidebar which sets '&uselang='
 *   and saves choice in a cookie.
 * - Makes suggestions to users from urls without '&uselang' through messages
 *   like "View Wikimedia Commons in [language]" notices (suggestion data comes
 *   from cookies, referal url, and browser settings).
 * - Regardless of suggestions and cookies, if your current url includes a
 *   'uselang' query string, when you click a link, it will append that uselang
 *   to the next page you visit (unless that url already has a 'uselang').
 * @stats: [[File:Krinkle_AnonymousI18N.js]]
/*jshint curly:false, smarttabs:true, undef:true, browser:true */
/*global mw, $, wpAvailableLanguages, wgAnonUserLanguage, AnonymousI18N */
(function () {
	var conf = mw.config.get([

	// Don't load in skins other than Vector
	// Don't load twice
	if ( !== 'vector' || window.AnonymousI18N) {

	// Hook for tools to suggest a language based on another system
	// Commented out, other scripts may set it at any point in time
	// (before this script loads).
	// This commented-out declaration is here as a reminder.
	//window.AnonymousI18N_suggestlang = null;

	 * AnonymousI18N.js
	 * Created 2010-12-06
	 * Suggests, presents, stores and applies uselang for anonymous users
	 * Only sets a cookie if needed (when suggestion notice or dropdown is clicked)
	 * If no cookie is set but ?uselang= is set it maintains that uselang but doesn't save anything
	 * @author [[User:Krinkle]]
	 * @license Triple licensed: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0[1], GFDL[2] and GPL[3].
	 * [1]
	 * [2]
	 * [3]
	window.AnonymousI18N = {

		// Current revision, used for development, cache clearing and tracking
		rev: 'r16',

		// Name of the cookie that stores the language of choice
		cookie_lang: 'AnonymousI18N_lang',

		// Name of the cookie that stores wether the user has declined the notice
		cookie_decline: 'AnonymousI18N_decline',

		// Number of days new cookie's get as expiration
		cookie_expiration: 10,

		// Page with more documentation
		documentation: '',

		 * Dear editors that add/remove/modify translations below,
		 * README:
		 * Please take great care to the commas.
		 * There should be a comma *after each definition* except for the *last entry*.
		 * This means if you remove the last line you have to remove the comma from the, now last, definition.
		 * This means if you add a line to the bottom that this line should NOT end in a comma
		 *    and the former last line should get a comma to the end !
		msgHelp: {
			'bn': 'ভাষা নির্বাচন',
			'ca': 'Llengua',
			'cs': 'Výběr jazyka',
			'da': 'Vælg sprog',
			'de': 'Sprachauswahl',
			'en': 'Language select',
			'eo': 'Lingvoelekto',
			'es': 'Seleccionar idioma',
			'et': 'Keele valimine',
			'fa': 'انتخاب زبان',
			'fi': 'Valitse kieli',
			'fr': 'Sélecteur de langue',
			'gl': 'Seleccionar idioma',
			'hu': 'Nyelvválasztás',
			'hr': 'Odaberi jezik',
			'hy': 'Լեզվի ընտրություն',
			'id': 'Pilih bahasa',
			'ja': '言語選択',
			'ko': '언어 선택',
			'min': 'Piliah bahaso',
			'mk': 'Јазик',
			'ml': 'ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക',
			'nds': 'Spraakutwahl',
			'nl': 'Taal',
			'pl': 'Wybierz język',
			'pt': 'Seleção do idioma',
			'ru': 'Выбор языка',
			'sl': 'Izbira jezika',
			'sv': 'Välj språk',
			'tr': 'Dil seçimi',
			'zh-hans': '语言选择',
			'zh-hant': '語言選擇'
		msgSelect: {
			'bn': 'নির্বাচন',
			'ca': 'Selecciona',
			'cs': 'Vybrat',
			'da': 'Vælg',
			'de': 'Auswählen',
			'en': 'Select',
			'eo': 'Elekti',
			'es': 'Seleccionar',
			'et': 'Vali',
			'fa': 'انتخاب',
			'fi': 'Valitse',
			'fr': 'Valider',
			'gl': 'Seleccionar',
			'hu': 'Mehet',
			'hr': 'Odaberi',
			'hy': 'Ընտրել',
			'id': 'Pilih',
			'ja': '選択',
			'ko': '선택',
			'min': 'Piliah',
			'mk': 'Одбери',
			'ml': 'തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക',
			'nds': 'Utwählen',
			'nl': 'Selecteer',
			'pl': 'Wybierz',
			'pt': 'Selecionar',
			'ru': 'Выбрать',
			'sl': 'Izberi',
			'sv': 'Välj',
			'tr': 'Seç',
			'zh-hans': '选择',
			'zh-hant': '選擇'
		msgReset: {
			'bn': 'ভাষা পুনঃনির্ধারণ করুন',
			'ca': 'Anul·la',
			'cs': 'Vymazat paměť',
			'en': 'Reset language',
			'de': 'Auswahl zurücksetzen',
			'es': 'Reiniciar el idioma',
			'et': 'Puhasta mälu',
			'fa': 'پاک\u200cکردن حافظه',
			'fi': 'Unohda valinta',
			'fr': 'Réinitialiser',
			'gl': 'Reiniciar o idioma',
			'hu': 'Nyelv visszaállítása',
			'hr': 'Vrati na početne postavke',
			'id': 'Setel ulang bahasa',
			'ja': '言語をリセット',
			'min': 'Setel ulang bahaso',
			'mk': 'Врати',
			'hy': 'Սկզբնական լեզու',
			'nl': 'Geheugen wissen',
			'pt': 'Limpar a memória',
			'sl': 'Ponastavitev jezika',
			'sv': 'Rensa minnet',
			'tr': 'Dili sıfırla',
			'zh-hans': '重置语言',
			'zh-hant': '重置語言'
		msgSuggest: { // $1 = site name, $2 = link containing language name (see below)
			'bn': '$1 $2 ভাষায় দেখুন',
			'ca': 'Vegeu $1 en $2',
			'cs': '$1 je dostupné $2',
			'da': 'Se $1 på $2',
			'de': '$1 auf $2',
			'en': 'View $1 in $2',
			'es': '$1 está disponible en $2',
			'et': 'Kuva $1 $2.',
			'fa': '$1 در $2 ببینید',
			'fi': '$1 on käytettävissä $2.',
			'fr': '$1 est disponible $2.',
			'gl': '$1 está dispoñible en $2',
			'hu': 'A $1 megtekintése $2 nyelven',
			'hr': 'Vidi $1 na $2',
			'hy': '$1 էջը դիտել $2ով',
			'id': 'Lihat $1 dalam $2',
			'ja': '$1を$2で表示',
			'ko': '$1 $2 로 보기',
			'min': 'Caliak $1 dalam $2',
			'mk': '$1 на $2',
			'nl': '$1 in het $2',
			'pl': '$1 można przeglądać $2',
			'pt': '$1 está disponível em $2.',
			'ru': '$1 доступен $2',
			'sl': 'Projekt $1 v $2',
			'sv': 'Visa $1 på $2',
			'tr': '$1 lehçesi $2',
			'zh-hans': '用$2浏览$1',
			'zh-hant': '用$2瀏覽$1'
		// If the plain language name as shown in the select box doesn't work for the suggestion box link,
		// ("$2" above), you may specify a custom link text below.  XXX: The link text does _not_ fall back
		// from "aa-bb" to "aa", but instead to the language/dialect name from wpSupportedLanguages.  This
		// means that if you add custom link texts for any languages that have dialects supported by
		// MediaWiki, you'll probably need to add them for the dialects too.
		msgSuggestLink: {
			'ca': 'català',
			'cs': 'v češtině',
			'et': 'eesti keeles',
			'fi': 'suomeksi',
			'fr': 'en français',
			'mk': 'македонски',
			'pl': 'w języku polskim',
			'ru': 'на русском языке',
			'sl': 'slovenščini',
			'sv': 'svenska'

		 * Get user language
		 * Priority:
		 * 1. Cookie
		 * 2. Hook (optional)
		 * 3. Browser language
		 * 4. Default user language (fallback)
		getUserLanguage: function() {
			/*global AnonymousI18N_suggestlang */
			var language =  null;

			// Get user language (uselang=)
			if (conf.wgUserLanguage !== conf.wgContentLanguage) {
				language = conf.wgUserLanguage;

			// Get cookie value
			if (!language) {
				language = $.cookie(this.cookie_lang);

			// If there's a different script providing suggestions through the hook, use it
			if (!language && typeof AnonymousI18N_suggestlang === 'string') {
				language = AnonymousI18N_suggestlang;

			// Get browser language
			if (!language) {
				language = navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage;

			// Convert to lower case
			language = language.toLowerCase();

			// Check if the (possibly dashed) code is an available language code
			if (typeof wpAvailableLanguages[language] === 'string') {
				return language;
			} else {
				// convert 'aa-BB' to 'aa' etc.
				language = language.split("-")[0];
				if (typeof wpAvailableLanguages[language] === 'string') {
					return language;
				} else {
					// The extracted code isn't available, fallback to default
					return conf.wgUserLanguage;


		getLangDropdown: function() {
			// Begin dropdown
			var dropdownHTML = '<select name="mw-AnonymousI18N-picker" id="mw-AnonymousI18N-picker">';

			// Add option for each language
			$.each(wpAvailableLanguages, function(key, val) {
				if (key === conf.wgUserLanguage) {
					dropdownHTML += mw.html.element('option', { selected: 'selected', value: key }, val);
				} else {
					dropdownHTML += mw.html.element('option', { value: key }, val);

			// End dropdown
			var isCookieSet = !! $.cookie(this.cookie_lang);
			dropdownHTML += '</select><input type="button" name="mw-AnonymousI18N-select" id="mw-AnonymousI18N-select" value="' + (this.msgSelect[
				wgAnonUserLanguage] || this.msgSelect[wgAnonUserLanguage.split("-")[0]] || this.msgSelect.en) + '"></input>' + (isCookieSet ?
				'<br /><a id="mw-AnonymousI18N-reset" href="#">' + (this.msgReset[wgAnonUserLanguage] || this.msgReset[wgAnonUserLanguage.split("-")[0]] || this.msgReset
				.en) + '</a>' : '');

			return dropdownHTML;

		// Redirect location to another language of the current page
		redirectCurrentPageToLanguage: function(lang) {

			// If there is no lang passed, redirect to uselang-less page
			if (!lang) {
				location.href = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname;
				return true;

			// If there is no query string yet, create one
			if ( === '') {
				location.href = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + '?uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang) + location.hash;

				// There is a query string already
			} else {

				// If there's a uselang= already, replace it
				if ('uselang=') !== -1) {
					var search ='uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(conf.wgUserLanguage)).join('uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang));
					location.href = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + search + location.hash;

					// Otherwise, add it
				} else {
					location.href = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + + '&uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang) +

		// Redirect location to another language of a given url
		getUrlForLanguage: function(url, lang) {

			// Cut out hash if present
			if (url.indexOf('#') !== -1) {
				url = url.substr(0, url.indexOf('#'));

			// Check if URL contains query string
			var m = url.match(/\?[^#]*/);
			if (m !== null && m[0] !== null) {

				// There is a query string already
				if (url.indexOf('uselang=') !== -1) {
					// If there's a uselang= already, replace it
					return url.split('uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(conf.wgUserLanguage)).join('uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang));
				} else {
					// Otherwise, add it
					return url + '&uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang);
			} else {
				// If there is no query string yet, create one
				return url + '?uselang=' + encodeURIComponent(lang);

		init: function() {

			window.wgAnonUserLanguage = this.getUserLanguage();

			// If this language is suggested by special means (e.g. AnonymousI18N_suggestlang), then
			// redirect to that language now.
			// However since the language suggestion/override came from AnonymousI18N_suggestlang, we
			// should not set a cookie, because the user may have already made a (different) language choice and
			// is simply following an interwiki link to Commons. In this case AnonymousI18N preserves the
			// 'uselang'-parameter without the need for a cookie.
			// Another advantage of not storing the cookie is one can have multiple browser windows open, navigating
			// their own path and preserving different languages.

			// Insert Language-portal
			var portalHTML = ' <div class="portal persistent" id="p-AnonymousI18N"><h3>' + (this.msgHelp[wgAnonUserLanguage] || this.msgHelp[
				wgAnonUserLanguage.split("-")[0]] || this.msgHelp.en) + '</h3><div class="body">' + this.getLangDropdown() + '</div></div>';
				' #p-AnonymousI18N { overflow:hidden /* other browsers */; } ' +
				' #p-AnonymousI18N select { width:100% /* modern browsers */; } ' +
				' #mw-AnonymousI18N-select:hover { cursor:pointer } ' +
				' #mw-AnonymousI18N-reset { font-size: 0.6em }');

			// Show suggestion if:
			// * the gotten language is an available language on the wiki
			// * the gotten is not the current language already
			// * there is no cookie present that represents the choise to decline suggestions
			if (typeof wpAvailableLanguages[wgAnonUserLanguage] === 'string' && // isset()
				conf.wgUserLanguage !== wgAnonUserLanguage &&
				$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_decline) !== wgAnonUserLanguage + '-true')
				// For the suggestion text, fall back first to undashed language code, then to English;
				// for the link, use name from wpAvailableLanguages if no custom link text is defined.
				// This may produce odd combinations like "View Wikimedia Commons in Suomi", but that's
				// still better than using the wrong language name entirely.
				var msgText = this.msgSuggest[wgAnonUserLanguage] || this.msgSuggest[wgAnonUserLanguage.split("-")[0]] || this.msgSuggest.en;
				var msgLink = this.msgSuggestLink[wgAnonUserLanguage] || wpAvailableLanguages[wgAnonUserLanguage];

				var link = mw.html.element('a', { href: '#', id: 'mw-AnonymousI18N-gosuggest' }, msgLink);
				var html = mw.html.escape(msgText).replace('$1', conf.wgSiteName).replace('$2', link);

					'<div id="mw-AnonymousI18N-suggest" style="padding:0.3em 1em;font-size:0.8em;background:#F8F8FF;margin:0px 0px 0.5em 0px;border:1px solid #CCCCFF;text-align:center;position:relative"><small style="position:absolute;top:0.3em;right:1em">[<a href="#" id="mw-AnonymousI18N-decline">x</a>]</small> ' +
					html + '</div>');

				$('#mw-AnonymousI18N-gosuggest').on('click', function() {
					$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_lang, wgAnonUserLanguage, {
						expires: AnonymousI18N.cookie_expiration,
						path: '/'
					if (wgAnonUserLanguage !== conf.wgUserLanguage) {
					return false;

				$('#mw-AnonymousI18N-decline').on('click', function() {
					// Remove the suggestion notive
					// Set a cookie to no longer suggest this language
					$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_decline, wgAnonUserLanguage + '-true', {
						expires: AnonymousI18N.cookie_expiration,
						path: '/'
					return false;

			$('#mw-AnonymousI18N-select').on('click', function() {

				var lang = $('#mw-AnonymousI18N-picker').val();

				if (lang !== '') {
					$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_lang, lang, {
						expires: AnonymousI18N.cookie_expiration,
						path: '/'
					if (lang !== conf.wgUserLanguage) {
					} else {
				} // else { /* alert( 'No valid language selected.' ); */ }

				return false;

			$('#mw-AnonymousI18N-reset').on('click', function() {

				$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_lang, null, {
					expires: AnonymousI18N.cookie_expiration,
					path: '/'
				$.cookie(AnonymousI18N.cookie_decline, null, {
					expires: AnonymousI18N.cookie_expiration,
					path: '/'
				return false;


			// When `uselang=` is used (i.e. user have chosen a language other than English)
			// we alter the links and form submissions to keep the value of `uselang=`
			if (conf.wgUserLanguage !== conf.wgContentLanguage) {
				// Don't manipulate all anchor-elements
				// Instead listen for any anchor-clicks and maintain uselang when and where needed
				// This way also dynamically added links (such as tabs and toolbox-links) are accounted for
				$(document).on('click', 'a[href]', function(e) {
					var href_attr = $(this).attr('href'),
						// by going to element directlty instead of attribute the urls become complete
						// this makes '/wiki/Article' into ''
						// but also '#' into '' !
						href_full = this.href;
					// If
					// * the link destination is a true url (ie. don't interrupt #toc links or 'javascript:call()' stuff)
					// * links to a domain within wikimedia such as http://nl.wiktionary, http://en.wikipedia
					// * The choosen language is not the default (which makes uselang redundant)
					if (href_attr.substr(0, 1) !== '#' &&
						href_attr !== '' &&
						href_full.substr(0, 4) === 'http' &&
						href_full.indexOf('.wik') !== -1 &&
						href_full.indexOf('.org') !== -1 &&
						href_full.indexOf('Special:Set') === -1 &&  // Fix for Wikidata UI
						e.ctrlKey !== true && e.metaKey !== true  // Don't abort attempts to open links in a new window/tab
					) {
						// Prevent the default linking functionalty and instead use getUrlForLanguage()
						location.href = AnonymousI18N.getUrlForLanguage(href_full, wgAnonUserLanguage);
					} // Else: Don't interrupt and follow link regularly
				// Don't manipulate all form-elements
				// Listen for submit()'s and work the uselang in there
				// Works on edit pages (Save, Preview, Diff) - not for <inputbox>'es and Search (yet) though
				$(document).on('submit', 'form', function() {
					var $el = $(this);
					$el.attr('action', function() {
						var action = $el.attr('action');
						// Browsers ignore any query parameter that is appended to the action attribute when using GET
						if (action) action = AnonymousI18N.getUrlForLanguage($el.attr('action'), wgAnonUserLanguage);
						// so also inject an input. See
						if (!$el.find('input[name="uselang"]').length) $('<input type="hidden" name="uselang" />').val(wgAnonUserLanguage).appendTo($el);
						return action;

	 * referrerWikiUselang
	 * @author Mdale
	 * @created December 2, 2010
	 * Make a best guess at the user language based on the referring wiki.
	 * To get the language call: referrerWikiUselang.getReferrerLang();
	 * Returns a string with the language code or null if nothing was found in the referral.
	var referrerWikiUselang = window.referrerWikiUselang = {
		// The supported list of projects that include language codes at the start of their url
		projectList: ['wikipedia', 'wiktionary', 'wikinews', 'wikibooks', 'wikisource', 'wikiversity', 'wikiquote', 'wikivoyage'],

		// Some other common sites for which we happen to know its language
		alternateSites: {
			'': 'cs'

		 * Check if the language is supported
		 * @param {string} uselang The language code to check
		 * @return {boolean} true if language is supported, false if the language is not supported
		isSupportedRewriteLanguage: function(useLang) {
			// Check that the language is supported
			if (!(useLang in wpAvailableLanguages)) {
				return false;
			// Just in case someone did not see documentation above ( don't rewrite default language )
			if (useLang === conf.wgContentLanguage) {
				return false;
			return true;
		 * Get the language code from wikimedia site the user came from
		 * @return {string} the referrer language code
		getReferrerLang: function() {
			if (document.referrer) {
				// We should use mw.parseUri ( for now regEx )
				var matches = document.referrer.match(/^https?\:\/\/([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)([^\/:]*)/);

				if (matches && $.inArray(matches[2], this.projectList) !== -1) {
					this.referrerLang = matches[1];
					if (this.isSupportedRewriteLanguage(this.referrerLang)) {
						return this.referrerLang;
					} else {
						return null;
				} else if (matches && this.alternateSites[matches[0]] !== undefined) {
					return this.alternateSites[matches[0]];
				} else {
					return null;
			return null;

	$(function() {
		// referrerWikiUselang could theoretically be broken, verify that it's there
		if (referrerWikiUselang && referrerWikiUselang.getReferrerLang) {
			// Get the langcode of the referring wiki if there is one
			// And add it as an extra suggestion in the AnonymousI18N.getUserLanguage()
			window.AnonymousI18N_suggestlang = referrerWikiUselang.getReferrerLang();
		// Verify the wpAvailableLanguages is set properly, then init stuff
		if (wpAvailableLanguages.en === 'English') {